An eco-friendly giant-bubble kit company in Snowdonia is making sure its products continue to bring smiles to kids around the globe

Amid the challenges of the pandemic, they have been busy preparing for the end of transition so they can continue to spread the joy further from home. As manufacturer and “Bubbler in chief ” Paola Dyboski-Bryant puts it: “As a company, we need to be ready because I want to continue to trade – we have a lovely business and it’s done really well. 

“During that first phase of lockdown, the bubbles were a symbol of hope – parents were buying them for children; children were gifting them to grandparents. The interest we’ve had from all over is huge – shipping to Italy, Germany, Holland, Denmark. Preparation will be key to keeping that going.” 

Once a kitchen-table start-up inspired by Paola’s youngest son Ziggy, the company is about to launch in South Korea, Australia and soon the US. “We have already registered for VAT in France, Italy and Germany – but I would recommend applying sooner rather than later because it can take several months. It’s also important to sort an EORI number for exports.” 

Paola has also had to think about her employees to make sure that they can live and work in the UK after the deadline. “They have all applied for settled status now. As a company, it’s been about encouraging and supporting them through the process. 

“As a nation, Britain is so cosmopolitan – people come from every corner of the world to call it home and we really value that. Ultimately, we are an international company working in the UK, and we’re proud to keep that going.”

2020Boris johnsonBrexitBritish manufacturingChanging the worldCircular economyClimate changeCovidDr zigsEco toysEco-friendly bubblesEnvironmental policyEthical

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