Welcome 2020!
2019 has been a good year for us all at Dr Zigs, but it’s also had it’s fair share of ups and downs – mostly on a personal level for the crew, as we have lost loved ones, and each faced a variety of challenges. However, what has held us together has very much been our Dr Zigs family. We are so lucky to work with Bubbles!! Every day at work we test our batches of bubbles, and I am sure these have both a therapeutic and healing effect. And then we have YOU, our amazing family of customers, who share, post, call and always make us feel like we’re doing a good job, and really helping make a difference and spread happiness. Thank you!
2019 has also been an amazing year for Dr Zigs – we started with the German Design Award nomination for our Sensory Bubble Kit, we had our two Guinness World Records confirmed, we were featured on CBeebies, BBC and ITV, we were named Best Buy Eco Toy by The Independent, alongside @Ebullitions we performed at #rickowens Paris Fashion Week and our bubbles were in Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Le Monde, New York Times and more, Paola presented at the Physics Soap Bubble conference in Paris, and was selected for @Exxpedition the women only round the world sailing trip exploring Ocean Plastics. We took part in and sponsored actions by Extinction Rebellion and the Youth Climate Strikes, we further cut our plastic use, we started working with @babipur, developed a whole new Pet Range and our Bubble Painting Kit, secured several super exciting new distributors – and are now exporting to Ireland, Korea, Seychelles, Kuwait and Qatar!
What a year!!
2020 already promises to be another mega exciting time for us. We’re attending both the London Toy Show and Nuremberg Toy Show #spielwarenmesse in January, we’re in talks with new distributors in Australia, we’ve hoping to reduce our plastics even further, we’ve got new product lines planned too – and that’s just for starters!! Who knows what else 2020 will hold?!
As the New Year dawns, all of us here at @Dr Zigs would like to wish all of you beautiful bubble family a superb year ahead. May 2020 bring you much happiness, good health and success in all your ventures – and may your bubbles be even bigger, better and more colourful too.
With love from all of us here at Dr Zigs. Happy New Year!!
#giantbubbles #ecotoys #newproduct #export #2020 #newyearlogo #bestcustomers