Aaahhh Balloons! It's a love hate thing isn't it? Love playing with them, hate when they BANG and pollute the environment. Did you know that late...

Bubbles and Smiles in a Refugee Camp in Athens
Kurdish Yazidi and Afghan girls and children playing with Dr Zigs Eco Bubbles in a Refugee Camp near Athens. It’s hard to imagine what these kids have been through. And what they are going through still. A Refugee Camp is not a home. It is not a destination.

We're absolutely OVERJOYED to have been featured in 4 of the national newspapers last week!
Dr Zigs Extraordinary Bubbles has been making eco-friendly giant bubble kits in North Wales for 10 years, and amid the challenges of Covid-19, it has been busy preparing for the end of transition so it can continue to spread the joy further afield.

'Amazing Bubble Man' Louis Pearl
There are many ways to buy our #ecoethicalfun giant bubble kits – you can buy them direct online from ourselves, or from some of our particularly ...

Complete Guide on Getting Your Own Guinness World Record
Great article featuring our Guinness World Record success for the most people making Giant Bubbles in one place.
The Complete Guide to getting your own Guinness World Record.