Bubbling with Pride
Happy Pride Month! Yet again this year we'll be celebrating Pride Month with our #FlyingRainbows hashtag.
Our Bubbles are all about BEING the rainb...

Aaahhh Balloons! It's a love hate thing isn't it? Love playing with them, hate when they BANG and pollute the environment. Did you know that late...

The award winning Dr Zigs Bubble mix
The Dr Zigs Bubble mix has come a long way since we first started creating Bubble mixes and solutions.
One thing is for sure they just keep getti...

Bubbling for Inclusivity at Parallel Global Hidden Disabilities Sunflower
Our Bubbles at the BEST most fabulous event. Parallel Windsor, the most heartwarming, inspiring, fun, moving event. If you don’t know it - have a google and do book for next year! It’s an event that properly celebrates inclusivity. Parallel is about removing barriers, and enabling ‘no-limits living'

Forever blowing bubbles around the world
It’s just so wonderful to be featured in SME Magazine. You’ll get a glimpse of how Dr Zigs started from £ 20 and look where we are now. Our humble beginnings is
something that we wanted to share with everyone, with so much pride and hope and to inspire everyone amidst this Global crisis.

Dr Zigs in the News
Dr Zigs, featured on BBC, and Skynews, have been collaborating with Mr Peasy, Astute Program and Swansea University, in developing their research and development capabilities and the knowledge and experience necessary to confidently move into a large-scale production phase.

Bubbles and Smiles in a Refugee Camp in Athens
Kurdish Yazidi and Afghan girls and children playing with Dr Zigs Eco Bubbles in a Refugee Camp near Athens. It’s hard to imagine what these kids have been through. And what they are going through still. A Refugee Camp is not a home. It is not a destination.

Listen to Dr Zigs on the Factory Now Podcast
Dr Zigs chat to Factory Now and MRPeasy about manufacturing, Bubbles (of course), Guinness World Records and more.

Bubbling and the cost of Fun
How Dr Zigs is weighing up the 'cost of fun' as a Small Business, and a British Manufacturer of Eco, Sustainable Toys. In an interview with the BBC, Paola Dyboski from Dr Zigs discusses issues of inflation, interest rate rises, Brexit and Climate Change as challenges.

Lionesses win at the European Cup is a win for Dr Zigs too
The Lionesses winning in European Cup was a celebration of girl power, and a reflection of the achievements of all women. The evidence of a woman's potential can be seen in each woman's smile and confidence. And this win will inspire us all to break down barriers, stand up for ourselves and achieve more than we ever dreamed possible.