Dr Zigs Customer Testimonials
Our Bubbles really are that good but don't just take our word for it, see what our customers have to say about Dr Zigs Bubbles.

"Bubble Play, while having our quiet time with our mindfulness cards we came across one that asked the kids to make patterns in nature. Aaron decided he wanted to use not only nature but our Dr Zigs Bubbles to make some patterns on the ground. Since we needed a calming activity, Bubbles were a perfect idea. Even the eldest asked for a set. This went great with trying to create different patterns of Bubbles but also create patterns on the ground near where we were staying. A great afternoon filled with Bubbles and giggles."

"When I was 7 or 8 (I think) my mum and dad bought me a giant bubble kit… and I bloody loved it. When i discovered that you could indeed still buy giant bubble kits!!!! And found Dr Zigs who’s kits are enviro friendly I thought …. Winner. We are camping and they are providing pretty much every kid in this part of the site with endless entertainment. When are bubbles ever not fun!?"

"We are massive fans of Dr Zigs Bubbles and this hand wand is just perfect for little hands. Ladybird isn’t quite big enough to wrangle the giant or multi wand but she loves this just the same."

"Today we tried a new way of exploring bubbles by using a slinky and Dr Zigs bubble solution. First we dipped the slinky into the solution and pulled it out. The bubble solution coated the slinky and as it was pulled up, it formed a giant bubble. Luca blew air into the slinky using a straw which formed little bubbles that traveled up the slinky. We then played around and used it to create different shaped bubbles. Lots of fun!"

"Summer Sunsets, there is honestly nothing better in my opinion than watching a sunset with the children after a busy day. We love to take our Dr Zigs Bubbles with us, it is such a calming activity, especially right before bedtime."

"Can you beat a giant Bubble?!"

"International Friendship Day, Bella had *all* the friends on the campsite when we brought out the Dr Zigs."
@ourmanycoloured days

"How amazing is this Multi Loop Bubble Wand by Dr Zigs, perfect for making lots of gorgeous bubbles."