Prosiect Croeso Cymreig

----Welsh translation below----
As you may know, we run a range of campaigns revolving around positive change.
Among them we have a fab project called Bubbles Not Bombs. This is the umbrella under which we account for our work with Pobl i Bobl, with Ty Gobaith, with Dewi Ward at Ysbyty Gwynedd, Campaign Against the Arms Trade and various other organisations and groups with which we've collaborated over the years.
Over the last six years the biggest part of this project has involved
collecting, sorting, packing and shipping aid for refugees - and during this time, thanks to donations from our local community, and through work with the local charity Pobl i Bobl, we've contributed to over 40 containers of aid.
Sadly Brexit has meant that it is no longer viable to ship aid, so we are having to pivot what we do
Having worked with our Syrian resettled community now for so long (did you know a lot of the children pictured on our Dr Zigs packaging and website are local resettled refugees kids?!), we know how challenging it can be when they first arrive. Often they have little to no English or Welsh, they have no transport, they have to navigate a whole new world and system of doing things. Most of the children who arrive will have been born into a refugee camp. Recently families are also, shockingly,
experiencing xenophobia. So...
The project is called 'Croeso Cymreig' or 'Welsh Welcome'.
The idea is simple - that every refugee family arriving in Wales is gifted a welcoming hamper of locally made goodies, tickets to our most amazing visitor attractions, some taxi vouchers etc. The best of what our beautiful Wales has on offer.
Over the last six years the biggest part of this project has involved
collecting, sorting, packing and shipping aid for refugees - and during this time, thanks to donations from our local community, and through work with the local charity Pobl i Bobl, we've contributed to over 40 containers of aid.
Sadly Brexit has meant that it is no longer viable to ship aid, so we are having to pivot what we do
Having worked with our Syrian resettled community now for so long (did you know a lot of the children pictured on our Dr Zigs packaging and website are local resettled refugees kids?!), we know how challenging it can be when they first arrive. Often they have little to no English or Welsh, they have no transport, they have to navigate a whole new world and system of doing things. Most of the children who arrive will have been born into a refugee camp. Recently families are also, shockingly,
experiencing xenophobia. So...
The project is called 'Croeso Cymreig' or 'Welsh Welcome'.
The idea is simple - that every refugee family arriving in Wales is gifted a welcoming hamper of locally made goodies, tickets to our most amazing visitor attractions, some taxi vouchers etc. The best of what our beautiful Wales has on offer.
If you are a Wales based company interested in getting involved, or an individual who knows one that might be interested, email us at We already have some amazing companies on board, and the more we can add, the warmer our welcome can be.

Fel y gwyddoch efallai, yn Dr Zigs rydym yn cynnal ystod o ymgyrchoedd newid cadarnhaol.
Yn eu plith mae gennym brosiect gwych o'r enw Bubbles Not Bombs. Dyma'r ymbarél yr ydym yn cyfrif am ein gwaith gyda Pobl i Bobl, gyda Thy Gobaith, gyda Ward Dewi yn Ysbyty Gwynedd, Ymgyrch yn Erbyn Masnach yr Arfau ac amryw o sefydliadau a grwpiau eraill yr ydym wedi cydweithio â hwy dros y blynyddoedd.
Dros y chwe blynedd diwethaf mae rhan fwyaf y prosiect hwn wedi cymryd rhan casglu, didoli, pacio a chludo cymorth i ffoaduriaid - ac yn ystod yr amser hwn, diolch i roddion gan ein cymuned leol, a thrwy waith gyda'r elusen leol Pobl i Bobl, rydym wedi cyfrannu at dros 40 o gynwysyddion cymorth.
Yn anffodus mae Brexit wedi golygu nad yw bellach yn hyfyw cludo cymorth, felly rydym ni gorfod pivotio'r hyn rydyn ni'n ei wneud - ac rydyn ni wedi llunio prosiect FAB - a byddem wrth ein bodd pe byddech yn ystyried cymryd rhan.
Ar ôl gweithio gyda'n cymuned ailsefydlu yn Syria nawr cyhyd (gwnaeth rydych chi'n adnabod llawer o'r plant yn y llun ar ein pecynnau Dr Zigs a gwefan yn blant ffoaduriaid lleol sydd wedi'u hailsefydlu?!), rydyn ni'n gwybod pa mor heriol yw hi gall fod pan fyddant yn cyrraedd gyntaf. Yn aml does ganddyn nhw fawr ddim Saesneg na Cymraeg, does ganddyn nhw ddim cludiant, mae'n rhaid iddyn nhw lywio byd hollol newydd a system o wneud pethau. Bydd gan y mwyafrif o'r plant sy'n cyrraedd wedi ei eni i wersyll ffoaduriaid. Yn ddiweddar mae teuluoedd hefyd, yn syfrdanol, profi senoffobia. Felly...
Enw'r prosiect yw 'Croeso Cymreig' neu 'Welsh Welcome'.
Mae'r syniad yn syml - bod pob teulu ffoaduriaid sy'n cyrraedd Cymru rhoddodd hamper croesawgar o nwyddau da wedi'u gwneud yn lleol, tocynnau i'n rhai mwyaf rhyfeddol atyniadau i ymwelwyr, rhai talebau tacsi ac ati. Y gorau o'r hyn y mae ein mae gan Gymru hardd gynnig.
Os ydych chi'n gwmni yng Nghymru sydd â diddordeb mewn cymryd rhan, neu'n unigolyn sy'n adnabod un a allai fod â diddordeb, anfonwch e-bost atom yn Mae gennym rai cwmnïau anhygoel eisoes, a pho fwyaf y gallwn ei ychwanegu, y cynhesaf y gall ein croeso fod.