Bubbling with Pride

Bubbling with Pride

Paola Dyboski
Happy Pride Month! Yet again this year we'll be celebrating Pride Month with our #FlyingRainbows hashtag. Our Bubbles are all about BEING the rainb...
over the head in a bubble


Paola Dyboski-Bryant
Aaahhh Balloons! It's a love hate thing isn't it? Love playing with them, hate when they BANG and pollute the environment. Did you know that late...


Paola Dyboski-Bryant
BUY ONE - GIFT ONE🎁 This is our Dr Zigs Bubbly take on Black Friday. We're stepping back and giving back! From today until the week before Chris...

Plastic Free July? Have we got a treat for you!!

Paola Dyboski-Bryant

How's Plastic Free July going for you? have you made any swaps in your daily routines? 😊

One way to help the environment in our day to day lives is by making the conscious effort to buy more eco friendly plastic free toys! There's a whole range of fabulous toys out there all made from sustainably sourced materials!

We're absolutely OVERJOYED to have been featured in 4 of the national newspapers last week!

We're absolutely OVERJOYED to have been featured in 4 of the national newspapers last week!

Paola Dyboski-Bryant
Dr Zigs Extraordinary Bubbles has been making eco-friendly giant bubble kits in North Wales for 10 years, and amid the challenges of Covid-19, it has been busy preparing for the end of transition so it can continue to spread the joy further afield.
Bubble Painting Fun

Bubble Painting Fun

Paola Dyboski-Bryant

Some fab ideas for bubble paingint with our NEW Bubble Painting Kit.  What creations will you come up with?  And how do you like our Christmas Cards? Guaranteed fun for all the family! 


'Amazing Bubble Man' Louis Pearl

'Amazing Bubble Man' Louis Pearl

Paola Dyboski-Bryant
There are many ways to buy our #ecoethicalfun giant bubble kits – you can buy them direct online from ourselves, or from some of our particularly ...
How to Make Giant Bubbles

How to Make Giant Bubbles

Paola Dyboski-Bryant

A quick little guide to how to make Giant Soap Bubble Mix using your Dr Zigs Extraordinary Bubbles Kit.  



1. Add your Dr Zigs concentrated bubble mix into a container. 



2. Slowly add the required volume of water, stirring thouroughly without making excess foam



3. Dadahhh! You're ready to Make Giant Bubbles!! 



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