Aaahhh Balloons! It's a love hate thing isn't it? Love playing with them, hate when they BANG and pollute the environment. Did you know that late...

Bubbling for Inclusivity at Parallel Global Hidden Disabilities Sunflower
Our Bubbles at the BEST most fabulous event. Parallel Windsor, the most heartwarming, inspiring, fun, moving event. If you don’t know it - have a google and do book for next year! It’s an event that properly celebrates inclusivity. Parallel is about removing barriers, and enabling ‘no-limits living'
Plastic Free July? Have we got a treat for you!!
How's Plastic Free July going for you? have you made any swaps in your daily routines? 😊
One way to help the environment in our day to day lives is by making the conscious effort to buy more eco friendly plastic free toys! There's a whole range of fabulous toys out there all made from sustainably sourced materials!

Bubbles, Inclusion and Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities (PMLD)
Thomas is one of our biggest bubble fans. And it was only right that we should have him on our packaging. Yet many people may never get to meet Thomas because he has Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities (PMLD) and he and his family are excluded from so much through lack of simple provision. This is a little of his story.