This year for Earth Day 2022 at Dr Zigs we’re launching a super exciting new collaborative project as part of our #BubblesNotBalloons work.
As you know, we’ve been offering our Bubbles for years as a planet and wildlife friendly alternative to Balloon releases.
This year we thought we’d go even further - so we’ve launched our BIG BALLOON PLEDGE and as part of our Earth Day Activities.
This is originally the brainchild of Jason Alexander- the founder of and we started working together to see how we could spread the word further and get more people, children and also businesses involved.
AND we’ve been able to spread this even further! We’ve also joined forces with Ten Little Pieces in Australia, and the Surfrider Foundation, and the Rubber Jellyfish Movie AND we’re hoping to work with even more fabulous organisations as we go.
The idea is that we all make our BIG BALLOON PLEDGE:
We understand the danger balloons can pose to wildlife and the
environment. Therefore:
We pledge to never use or buy new balloons as part of any family celebrations (Birthdays, Christmas etc.)
If we find or are given a balloon we pledge to keep hold of it and
dispose of it properly.

Now, imagine if we all stopped using and releasing Balloons?!
Here’s a few facts about Balloons…
Balloons are made either of latex or mylar, sometimes coated with aluminum - and often have a coating of chemicals to help them from not sticking together.
Biodegradable balloons also can take years to decompose as the latex is mixed with a preservative. In February 2021, the Journal of Hazardous Materials published research that found latex balloons behave like plastic in the environment. After 16 weeks in compost, freshwater or saltwater, no meaningful degradation was found, and the researchers concluded that in all three environments, balloons would continue to threaten wildlife if ingested.
When balloons burst they look like Jellyfish! And therefore eaten by turtles - in fact of all the plastics found in sea turtles digestive tracts balloons are BY FAR the biggest amount.
Do watch Carly Wilson’s Rubber Jellyfish Movie. As she says:
The film explores the surprising damage that helium balloons are causing to endangered marine wildlife and unravels the balloon industry greenwashing that has lead consumers to believe that latex balloons are 100% biodegradable and environmentally friendly.
And this - according to the US Consumer Protection Agency, “of all children’s products, balloons are the leading cause of suffocation death”.

Other amazing collaborators on this project are:
The Surfrider Foundation
Ten Little Pieces Ten Little Pieces
Making this a hugely global and international collaboration!
Please do look them up - give them a follow and join their work! @Ten Little Pieces in particular is a fabulous project that any child or family, anywhere in the world can join in. AND she stocks our wonderful Bubbles!!
#BubblesNotBalloons all the way :)
We’re also hoping to work with the fabulous organization. Again - all about not letting go of balloons and really playing our part to keep them out of the environment.
If you know of any other organizations that would like to collaborate with us on this please do let us know.
In the meantime - let’s see you and your Pledge!
You can draw a #BubblesNotBalloons or #BigBalloonPledge drawing and send us a picture of it (with you too) and we’ll make sure to share it on our stories on social media, OR maybe it will be featured on this page!
And as always - why not use our Bubbles instead?! For Celebrations, Events, or Memorials we even have large-scale Bubble Kits for HIRE! All about a circular economy.
And just for every day? All you need is our Dr Zigs Bubble Mix, and a Giant or Multi Wand, and off you go. Watch those Bubbles FLY!
And when they’re done they’ll just pop - no rubbish, no residue, and all of it fully biodegradable in the sunshine. Did we mention that they’re vegan too?
Thanks for joining us on our #BigBalloonPledge!
have a Happy Earth Day!
From all the team at Dr Zigs
Giant Bubble Celebration/Memorial Kit - Small

These are our Big Balloon Pledge cards that are going into every parcel of Bubbles from Earth Day 2022.

We would like to thank the following company for their collaboration and support to make this Earth Day Event a meaningful and successful one.