Grief and loss is hard for those left behind, but just as with birth and the start of life, the end and our passing will come to each of us.
And this, death, this passing away, whilst it is always so sad, it is also a time to celebrate a life, to celebrate a person, to celebrate their smile, their laughter, their talents and quirks. The twinkle in their eye that belonged to them. Just them. That with their dying has gone forever.

Whilst always so heart-wrenchingly sad, and grief so visceral, that celebration matters. That marking of a life that once was. That stopping of time.
We celebrate life with Bubbles. For many years we have supported those grieving, our Bubbles are often used to spread ashes, as a way for kids to send loved ones into the sky, as a way to say goodbye.
Life is always there to be celebrated, to be honoured, and to be acknowledged. For after all it is these other lives that make our own so very rich and meaningful.
When my mother died we made Bubbles over her grave. When my father-in-law died, we spread his ashes in Bubbles across the Pyrenees. So many customers of ours have bought or hired the Bubbles to spread ashes, or for a funeral, to celebrate an anniversary of a death, or for the children, and adults to say goodbye..

At my funeral, I hope there will be zillions of Bubbles too.
If you ever have any questions about this, how to use ashes in our Bubbles, please do not hesitate to get in touch. At Dr Zigs we’re a great team, and always love to hear about people, here and passed, because these lives, your lives, mark us too.
1 comment
Interesting idea for sure xx